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Viser opslag fra februar 24, 2014


Mississippi Burning  is a 1988 American drama-thriller film directed by  Alan Parker  and written by  Chris Gerolmo . It was loosely based on the FBI investigation into the real-life  murders of three civil rights workers  in the U.S. state of  Mississippi  in 1964. The film focuses on two fictional  FBI  agents (portrayed by  Gene Hackman  and  Willem Dafoe ) who investigate the murders. Hackman's character (Agent Rupert Anderson) and Dafoe's character (Agent Alan Ward) are loosely based on the partnership of FBI agent  John Proctor  and agent  Joseph Sullivan . It was filmed in a number of locations in central Mississippi and at one location in  Alabama  (town square scenes). THE BACKGROUND Murder is what it all boiled down to.  In the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, three civil rights workers were viciously slaughtered in Neshoba County, Mississippi.   Mississippi Bu...